Vegetable Gardening for the Winter Months Workshop September 15th

So have you checked out my husband’s blog: Gardening in Las Vegas?  

If you enjoy gardening as much as we do, or just want to get started for the winter – check out this FREE class offered at the West Charleston Library. 

Event Details

Type: Lecture  
Age Group: Adults, Seniors & Teens 

9/15/2013 • 2 p.m. – 4 p.m.

West Charleston Library

Room: Lecture Hall

Vegetable Gardening for the Winter Months
Master Gardener Don Fabbi will discuss how to grow vegetables in Nevada in the ‘cooler months’. The objective of this program is to improve the quality of life for residents of Southern Nevada providing proven infor-mation on vegetable growing in our desert environment. Don Fabbi, PhD, is a Master Gardener with a doctorate in Horticulture and 65 years experience in the cultivation of flowers, fruit trees and vegetables native and non native to this desert region.

FREE and OPEN to the PUBLIC. For more information call: 702-507-3964

Free Kids Gardening Club at Star Nursery

My husband LOVES his yard. He is the guy behind when he is not at his exciting day job as an engineer.

Our kids love Star Nursery where they hop in one wagon for them, and another for all Daddy’s plants. It’s a nice break for me too. The kids want to go with Daddy to see the fish, the turtles, and when the kids club is going on nothing will keep them at home!

Click here to learn more about it.

The email address to RSVP for the class is here – tell them what store you will be going to and how many children with ages.