School Carnival to Benefit Teacher Hit by Drunk Driver April 29th

Friday,  April 29th Kitty Ward Elementary School at the corner of Horse and Jones in NW Las Vegas is hosting a community carnival to benefit the Sorenson Family. Sadly this is the second teacher in our corner of the valley to be struck down while riding a bicycle. As neighborhoods we need to look at the design of our roads to determine if something could have been done to prevent these tragedies.

Mrs. Sorenson is a 2nd grade teacher at the school. She was hit by a drunk driver while riding her bike and has suffered serious injuries. Click here to read the article from the Sun about her terrible accident. Her sister keeps a blog about her progress.

It is incredible that the community has come together to host both a rummage sale and a carnival to benefit the family of this beloved teacher.

Tickets are 25 cents each!

Activities 1-5 tickets

Food and Drinks 4-10 tickets

Obstacle Course and Giant Slide 5 Tickets


Kitty Ward Elementary School Community Rummage Sale Sat April 9th to Support Teacher Hit by Drunk Driver!!

This Saturday, April 9th Kitty Ward Elementary School at the corner of Horse and Jones in NW Las Vegas is hosting a Community Rummage Sale to benefit the Sorenson Family.

Mrs. Sorenson is a 2nd grade teacher at the school. She was hit by a drunk driver while riding her bike and has suffered serious injuries. Click here to read the article from the Sun about her terrible accident. Her sister keeps a blog about her progress.

It is incredible that the community has come together to host this rummage sale to benefit her family AND a carnival on April 29th.

Rummage Sale

Hosted by Cub Scout Pack 500

Kitty Ward Elementary Empowerment School

Saturday April 9th

5:00 am t0 3:00 pm

All proceeds are to benefit the Sorenson family.


Community members may also reserve a parking spot for $10 to sell their own stuff.

This is just the community involvement we need to celebrate in Las Vegas. Please get over to the school and make a donation. This event is 5 minutes from the Spring Fling at Tule Springs park.